Grading and Lot Clearing Services
We have many years of experience grading soil to prepare for lawn or landscape installations or to correct drainage issues. We clear land at residential and commercial locations to prepare for construction to begin.
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We Offer Grading for Plots Of Land
You don’t have to go with the contractor of choice your home builder would prefer. How are you to know if the company they select is qualified to take all things into consideration when performing this task?
Set your lawn up for success right from the get-go with Callaway Outdoor.
Getting your grading right from the start can save hours of headache and thousands of dollars in costly repairs from drainage issues not only in your lawn but also possibly your basement.
Call (706) 280-9374
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We Clear Land To Prep For Construction
Along with putting the final touches on a plot of land before a lawn or landscape is installed, we also clear land of all existing vegetation to allow the construction to begin.
We perform these services most often for commercial real estate developers but also perform this work for land-owners themselves.
It doesn’t matter to us if this is a new job site or if there is currently a residence or business in operation on the property. We always operate in a professional manner and adjust our operations to best suit the conditions of each site.

Ball Field Conditioning
Callaway Outdoor has been conditioning ball fields for a number of years now!
Contact us to request your bid for ball field conditioning from Callaway Outdoor today.
We also install artificial turf for sports fields.